
Torie True is a food writer, home cook and cookery teacher of Indian food. She has learnt her craft over the past 20 years from her travels to India, as well as her husband’s Indian family who are based in the UK and Kolkata. She has completed the ‘masterchef course’ at The Bangala in Tamil Nadu, voted in the top 20 restaurants in India and also worked alongside head chef of Anada in the Himalayas on a couple of occasions when he has been in London showcasing the  ayurvedic food of the hotel.
She is passionate about cooking with spices and aims to instil this love and enthusiasm in those who attend her popular Indian cooking classes. In many respects she acts as a bridge between East and West cuisine, helping the uninitiated to navigate Indian cuisine and encouraging everyone to bring a little more spice into their diet for flavour, health, and happiness. Her first book ‘Chilli & Mint: Indian Home Cooking from a British Kitchen’ was published at the end of 2021 and was shortlisted for a  prestigious ‘Gourmand World Cookbook Award’ as well featuring (5 page coverage) in magazines including: Red Magazine,  OK Magazine, Notebook and S Magazine. It was so well received that it is presently on a second print run.
Torie started her blog in 2009 after a 12 year career in the City.  It provides a platform showcasing her forays into cooking with herbs and spices, as well as her travels overseas. The blog ‘Chilli and Mint’  was named to show how herbs and spices are a broad spectrum from the aromatic, fresh and fragrant mint to the feisty, strong and bold chilli- the David and Goliath of herbs and spices. Her blog will guide you through the spectrum and show you step by easy step on how to move confidently forward in this stimulating world.
Torie is a member of the Guild of Food Writers and a Judge for the Guild of Fine Food. You can also find her on Instagram @chilliandmint. Torie lives in London with her husband and two daughters.

To book a class, arrange a bookshop event/demo or brand related enquires, Torie can be reached at  chilliandmint@gmail.com


Copyright 2024, chilliandmint. All images and content are copyright of chilliandmint and cannot be used without prior permission please.




49 thoughts on “About

  1. Christine & Richard Amery

    Hi Torie,
    All of us New Zealanders are so impressed!
    It’s cling film for the poached eggs in future, and we love your receipes.
    Richard and Christine

    • That is very kind of you to say Olivier. Yes all mine. Am in Vancouver at the moment so will blog from here soon. Do pass on my blog details to foodies or those who simply want to expand their repertoire.

  2. Mirjam

    Dear Torie, this is Mirjam, and we met at V+A last week!
    I like your blog and I really think I should try one or the other of your recipes during holidays. Was fun to discuss Tyler Brulé 🙂

  3. Rebecca Osborne

    Dearest Torie,

    I love your site, really clean with beautiful pictures. I have been meaning to thank you so much for the spices you sent through the post to me. I don’t have your email address or phone number! would love to catch upl NB Berlin was super but freezing (-15) and could have done with some of your lovely red split lentil dal!

    Lots of love


      • Sue Testar

        Well the T gang just have finished Ottolenghi’s Roast Chicken with Saffron, Hazelnuts and Honey – I made a few changes due to cupboard availiblity.
        I used a harisa and rose rub with honey and nuts for the crust. It was delicious – thank you. Great one for a mum in a rush back from work…..

        • Hi Sue,
          Glad the meal was a hit, I am impressed you made it so quickly after posting. Your changes sound rather good too. Other speedy chicken recipes that you might also like are: Moroccan chicken with olives and lemons and Spanish Baked Chicken. You will find these under ‘Mains’ in my Recipe Library. Thanks for posting a comment. Best Torie

  4. Francesca Evain

    Loving your blog Torie! Any opportunities to sample your recipes? Plans for taster evenings?… A delicious thought!… Thank you for sharing.

    • Hi Laura, to follow you need to go to email subscriptions on the home page. It’s just below ‘follow me on twitter’. You need to enter your email address and then you will receive an email confirming you want to ‘follow’ my blog. At least I think that’s how it works. Each time I post a new post you will then receive an email (on average once every week) saying i have just posted something new. Let me know if it doesn’t work. Thanks for following. Best Torie

  5. Thanks for dropping by my blog, I love yours too! And esp with a name liek that, chillies and mint, two of my favourite ingredients too because I grew up in asia!Chillies for sure, I’ll die without them! Looking forward to hearing more about your cooking adventures, everything looks brill so far! x

  6. Pingback: 3 Awards « soulofspice

    • Hi Charu, Wow I am honoured and chuffed to bits that you awarded me the ‘Blog of the Year 2012’. What a lovely comment to wake up to. Will follow the steps on your blog ;o). Happy blogging and so glad I came across your lovely blog too. Thank you. Torie x

  7. Great name! My old email account was “mintchoco” as my husband likes mint chocolate chip ice cream. I closed it down and I don’t use that account any more but I miss having mint as part of my identity. 🙂 I think mint sounds so pretty. You live in London. That’s very cool! I love having two girls. Thanks for leaving me comments on my blog! Nice to meet you!

    • How funny re the ‘mint’ connection, it happens to be my fav ice cream in fact! Very glad to have stumbled across your blog yesterday. Lots of interesting posts for me to browse through.

  8. Chuck Alderete

    Hi, I found your duck vindaloo recipe on Tastespotting and I’m eager to try it. I have a question about chilis: (the recipe calls for 5 dried chilli and 5 small green chilli) I live in California and I have access to, and use, dozens of varieties of chilis used in Asian and Mexican/Latin American cuisines, and I look for them by name. Can you tell me what chilis I should use for this recipe? For example, for dried would I use the small Japanese or larger Mexican types of hot chili? For green would I use jalapeños or serranos? Are there named varieties of Indian chilis that I could find in our many Asian store here or Indian shops in San Francisco? I will appreciate any guidance here. thanks, Chuck

    • Hi Chuck,
      You asked a very good question – I should indeed probably have noted which ones I used. To be honest I tend to use whichever variety I have sitting in my fridge for the fresh chilli – whether it be the Jalapeno, Serrano or Finger Chillies. I tend to mainly use serrano or finger chillies in my cooking and in the case of the duck vindaloo I used finger chillies, which are hotter than the green chilli, jalapeno and Hungarian hot wax, but not as hot as a Birds Eye. If you prefer a milder sauce then definitely go for the Jalapeno. Serrano is also a go to chilli for me as it has a nice kick. Again if you prefer it less hot remember to take out the chilli seeds as it will then tone it down a lot.
      As for the dried chilli I used small dried red chillies from Thailand. I think the proper name for them is ‘Prik Haeng’, which I source from my local Asian grocers. I think that you will have a far wider selection on offer in California so I would love to hear what you end up using and how it turns out.
      My in-laws, who are Indian, find the full on version slightly too hot for them, although I personally love it. Remember to have some natural yoghurt to hand, just in case it gets a little too hot when you are eating it. A spoonful of natural yoghurt on the side works wonders!! It may be best to start with the milder version and then see how it tastes before adding one or two more depending on how hot you like it. Best of luck. I hope you love it. All the best Torie

    • Hi Pia, That is such a lovely comment thank you so much, it means a lot to me. Glad you liked the name – I love all herbs and spices so wanted a name that encompassed them all – from the bold to the more subtle – and a name that had a ring to it. I am drawn to your name too and just had a peek at your blog – looks enticing so will definitely have a good browse around. I see you come from Kolkata – same as my hubbie ;o)

  9. I can’t believe our paths have not crossed (via Twitter today) until now. I blog on plant-based global food using British ingredients, but I favour the Indian subcontinent and southeast Asia – ie spicy and aromatic. Really lovely recipes and gorgeous site, fellow Word Press-er.

    • Thank you for your lovely comment. Welcome aboard and I hope that you will enjoy my recipes. Do take time to go through my ‘recipe library’ as I have lots that will hopefully interest you. Best Torie

  10. Hi Torie, it’s Jo here, we met yesterday at Dubai Airport. I hope you had a good flight back; isn’t it grey in UK after colourful India… I had a quick look at your recipes and shall certainly try them out.

    • Hi Jo, lovely to hear from you. Yes freezing back here in Blighty. I’ve been wearing one of my winter coats indoors all day (even though we have the heating at full blast). Cooking a hearty vegetarian stew at the moment to warm us all up. Watch this space for lots of Keralan recipes over the coming weeks. Let me know how you get on with the recipes or if you need any advice re any of my recipes on the site. Best Torie

  11. Rasheed Arogundade

    Hi there Torie,
    Lovely chat this morning. You’re something of a “brain-box”. Really enjoyed your company.

    Your recipes are very inspiring. Can’t wait to try some of them. I look forward to reading your book now.

    More grease to your elbows.
    Best of luck.

    Rash from Bristol

    • Hi Rash,

      Lovely to meet you this morning and hear about your exciting plans for the future.
      Thanks for signing up to the blog. I may be a little quiet on here for a bit as my deadline is looming from the publishers, but bear with me. I’m posting more regularly on my instagram @chilliandmint which will show you the types of recipes going into the book. Watch this space.

      All the best


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